Building for the Future

The Earleigh Heights Volunteer Fire Company occupied its current building when it relocated from Truckhouse Road in 1957.  Since then, the fire service in Anne Arundel County has evolved from an all volunteer force of independent fire companies into a world class combination all-hazards emergency response agency employing both volunteer and career firefighters. 


Today, our Volunteers train and work side by side with Anne Arundel County career firefighters responding to structural and wildland fires, hazardous materials incidents, motor vehicle accidents, confined space entrapments, medical emergencies, waterborne emergencies, and a host of others. 


With the increase in responsibilities has come the need for a modern facility able to house larger vehicles, specialized equipment, and training areas which prepare us for the hazards of the modern world.  The current station is over 60 years old and was designed for an earlier time when fire vehicles were smaller, emergencies were less complex, and there were no full time living spaces because volunteers only responded from home or work when there was an emergency. A time when no thought was given to coed facilities or ADA compliance.      


Did you know Earleigh Heights Volunteer Fire Company owns the 10 acres of land at the corner of Ritchie Highway and Magothy Bridge Road where the Station is located?


Did you know Earleigh Heights Volunteer Fire Company is responsible for maintaining the fire station and property with only limited financial assistance from Anne Arundel County?


Did you know Earleigh Heights Volunteer Fire Company purchases, owns, and must regularly replace Engines 121 and 122, Rescue Squad 12, Chief 12, and Utility 12?


Did you know the Earleigh Heights service area includes multiple senior living facilities that are five stories tall, or that Severna Park High School is four stories, and the Severn School is three stories.


Ground ladders on most fire engines (including Earleigh Heights), only reach the second or third story ? 


Did you know the County Fire Department wants to place an Aerial Truck (with a ladder that extends over 100 feet) at Earleigh Heights, but the building isn’t big enough to accommodate it?


To meet our monthly expenses, our Volunteers must raise revenue through fundraising events like Bingo, Carnival, and Bull Roasts.


To replace our aging fire station and purchase replacement fire vehicles, the Volunteers must look elsewhere to raise revenue.


Do you know average costs?

  • Replacement Station:    $25,000,000
  • Ladder Truck (Aerial):     $1,700,000
  • Rescue Squad:                 $1,500,000
  • Fire Engine:                      $1,000,000
  • Ambulance:                          $400,000

The average life of a fire vehicle in Anne Arundel County is 10 years. 

  • Engine 122, was built in 2014.  
  • Engine 121 was delivered in 2022.
  • Rescue Squad 12 was delivered in 2022.  


In planning for the future, we considered many options to create a source of sustainable revenue that did not place a financial burden on the community.  As we considered our options, we realized we already had what we needed to create sustainable revenue... our land.  Our vision is to lease the frontage along Ritchie Highway for development, similar to the other three corners.  Doing so will  

  1. provide sufficient annual revenue to pay for a new fire station on the rear of the property,
  2. allow us to replace our vehicles on a regular basis,  
  3. leave enough green space to continue our annual Carnival, Food Trucks, and other outdoor activities,
  4. see the installation of storm water controls that benefit the surrounding areas and waterways, and
  5. allow Earleigh Heights to become more financially resilient, thus lessening our dependence upon taxpayer generosity.     


As an organization made up of Anne Arundel County residents, Earleigh Heights Volunteer Fire Company strives to be a good neighbor and a good steward of our resources.  We look forward to our continued partnership with the County by providing the highest quality fire, rescue, and emergency medical services that our residents, visitors, and businesses have come to expect.





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Wed, Oct 23, 2024


Wed, Oct 30, 2024


Wed, Nov 6, 2024


Wed, Nov 13, 2024


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